
Grand Final

  • TH, as Hercules, would go up to the Olympus to live with the Gods
  • Junior Finals

  • TH, as Hercules, would go up to the Olympus to live with the Gods
  • Round 5

  • Assuming the technology exists, THW erase the criminal past of ex-convicts who have been deemed fully rehabilitated by the technology
  • Round 4

  • THO the rising trend in pop culture to portray villains as victims of society or in sympathetic light. (e.g. One that makes audiences feel bad for the villain because they have felt suffering and pain)
  • Round 3

  • THR the narrative that 'women can have it all' (career, family, children, etc.)
  • Round 2

  • THW ban private schools
  • Round 1

  • THR dating apps